Every physically disabled person has right to be accompanied by a service animal at no extra charge in and upon all public ways, public places, and housing accommodations.
A blind, physically handicapped, deaf or hard-of-hearing person and his or her guide, signal, or service dog or a dog trainer in the act of training a guide, signal, or service dog shall not be denied admittance to or refused access to public places because of the dog, or charged any additional fee.
Any person who without just cause purposely kills or injures any service animal described in this section or any search and rescue dog is guilty of a Class D felony.
Any person who kills or injures any service animal described in this section or any search and rescue dog shall make restitution to the owner of the animal.
The driver of a vehicle approaching a visually handicapped or hearing impaired person who is using guide or hearing ear dog shall take all reasonable precautions to avoid injury to the visually handicapped, hearing impaired, or other physically handicapped pedestrian.
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