“Service animal” means a guide dog, signal dog, or other animal individually trained to do work or perform tasks for the benefit of an individual with a disability, including:
βService animal trainerβ means a person who trains or raises service animals for individuals with disabilities, whether the person is a professional or volunteer.
MD Code, Human Services, Β§ 7-701
“Service Dog” as used inΒ MD Code, Local Government, Β§ 13-104, meansΒ a dog that is professionally trained to aid individuals who are:
(1) blind or visually impaired;
(2) deaf or hard of hearing; or
(3) mobility impaired.
Accommodation Law
Individuals with disabilities and, the parents of a minor child with a disability, and service animal trainers who are accompanied by an animal being trained or raised as a service animal are entitled to full and equal rights and privileges with respect to:
MD Code, Human Services, Β§ 7-704
An individual with a disability or a parent of a minor child with a disability who has, obtains, or may wish to obtain a service animal is entitled to full and equal access to housing accommodations.
A mobility impaired individual may be accompanied by a service animal specially trained for that purpose in any place where a blind, visually impaired, deaf, or hard of hearing individual has the right to be accompanied by a service animal.
A person may not deny or interfere with the admittance of a service animal that accompanies a blind, visually impaired, deaf, hard of hearing, or mobility impaired individual in violation of this section.
A person who violates is guilty of a misdemeanor and on conviction is subject to a fine not exceeding $500 for each offense.
A person may not deny or interfere with the admittance of an animal being trained as a service animal that accompanies a service animal trainer.
AΒ person who violates is subject to a fine not exceeding $25 for each offense.
MD Code, Human Services, Β§ 7-705
The driver of a vehicle shall yield the right-of-way to a deaf or hearing impaired pedestrian accompanied by a guide dog.
MD Code, Transportation, Β§ 21-511
If an application meets certian requirements and the local licensing agency is satisfied that the dog for which a license is sought is a service dog and is actually in use as a service dog: the dog owner is not required to pay a fee for issuance of the license; and the local licensing agency shall inscribe across the face of the license in red ink the words βservice dog”
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