Under “Chapter 1, Services to the Blind. Guide Dogs:”
“Service dog” means any dog individually trained to the physically handicapped person’s requirements; and
“Signal dog” means any dog trained to alert a deaf or hard-of-hearing person to intruders or sounds.
“Service animal” means an animal that is trained for the purpose of guiding or assisting a disabled person who has a sensory, mental, or physical impairment.
Any blind, physically handicapped, deaf or hard-of-hearing person who is a passenger on any common carrier or any other public conveyance or mode of transportation or any dog trainer from a recognized training center when in the act of training guide, signal, or service dogs shall be entitled to have with him or her a guide, signal, or service dog specially trained or being trained for that purpose, without being required to pay an additional charge.
Violation is a misdemeanor.
A landlord shall not deny or terminate a tenancy to a blind, deaf, or physically handicapped person because of the guide, signal, or service dog of such person unless such dogs are specifically prohibited in the rental agreement entered into prior to November 1, 1985.
Harm to or interference with service animal:
No person shallΒ willfullyharm, including torture, torment, beat, mutilate, injure, disable, or otherwise mistreat or kill a service animal that is used for the benefit of any handicapped person in the state.
No person shallΒ willfullyinterfere with the lawful performance of any service animal used for the benefit of any handicapped person in the state.
Violation is a misdemeanor, punishable by a fine not exceeding $1,000.00, or by imprisonment in the county jail not exceeding 1 year, or by both.
Harm to service animal during commission of other crime:
If violation occurs during commission of misdemeanor or felony, results in fine not exceeding $1,000.00, or by imprisonment in the Department of Corrections not exceeding 2 years, or by both such fine and imprisonment.
Harm to service animal by another animal:
Any person who encourages, permits or allows an animal owned or kept by such person to fight, injure, disable or kill a service animal used for the benefit of any handicapped person in this state, or to interfere with a service animal in any place where the service animal resides or is performing commits misdemeanor.
Also must pay restitution.
Violation is a misdemeanor, punishable by a fine not exceeding $1,000.00, or by imprisonment in the county jail not exceeding 1 year, or by both.
Any driver of a vehicle who knowingly approaches within 15 feet of a person who is in the roadway or at an intersection and who is wholly or partially blind and who is using a dog guide wearing a specialized harness, or who is wholly or partially deaf and is using a signal dog wearing an orange identifying collar, or who is physically handicapped and is using a service dog, shall immediately come to a full stop and take such precautions before proceeding as may be necessary to avoid accident or injury to the person wholly or partially blind, deaf or physically handicapped.
Violation is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by imprisonment in the county jail not exceeding 3 months, or by fine not exceeding $100.00, or by both such fine and imprisonment.
No municipality or political subdivision of the state may enact or enforce any ordinance or rule that requires any registration or licensing fee for any service animal that is used for the purpose of guiding or assisting a disabled person who has a sensory, mental, or physical impairment.
Violation is a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of not less thanΒ $50.00.
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