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Humane Society Works on Bill to Join Veterans with Emotional Support Animals

Humane Society Works on Bill to Join Veterans with Emotional Support Animals

admin 1 July 18, 2017
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Broad support is growing for legislation that improves the chances for vets and people in the military to get emotional support animals. Groups like the Humane Society, animal rights activities and lawmakers are joining forces to get the laws passed in Congress.

The Legislation

The bundle of laws being proposed covers several aspects of support animal help.

  • Paws Act. This House bill would make it easier for vets with post-traumatic stress disorder to get a service dog, just like those with physical challenges. It would set up a 5-year program to funds groups that provide companion animals to vets with psychological injuries.
  • Veterans Dog Training Therapy Act. This piece of legislation would set up a trial program, letting vets with PTSD train therapy dogs. Local training groups would work with vets that are referred by Veteran’s Administration offices in the area.The bill actually passed in the House of Representatives during the last Congress. Reintroduced this year, its goal is to help wounded vets help themselves and their disabled comrades.
  • Wounded Warrior Service Dog Act. This would help fund the training of service dogs for vets. By providing grants to nonprofits involved in the training, the bill would get more ready for the work and also make it financially feasible for greater numbers of vets to have a dog.

Bipartisan Support

People love dogs. While helping vets with their emotional and physical challenges, service and therapy dogs capture the heart of people who see them at work.

At a time when the Congress is highly divided, lawmakers find these bills easy to support. In fact, legislators from both sides of the aisle are backing them. As an example, the Paws Act has 147 co-sponsors in the House.

Representative Walter Jones of North Carolina said that over the years, he has seen a change in attitudes about service dogs. He said, β€œService men {should} be given the opportunity to have a service dog after serving.”

The CEO of the Humane Society of the United States, Wayne Pacelle, said, β€œThe American public will be pleased that the Congress is getting something done [passing the service dog acts] and is [doing} something that is aligned with their values.”

But that doesn’t mean passage is guaranteed. Both houses of Congress are busy. The effort to repeal Obamacare, the ongoing Russia probe, and tax reform, as well as standard legislative business, already make for a very busy docket.

The Humane Society is taking the lead to get the bill passed. Pacelle reported, β€œWe inform out constituents, lobby offices, write position papers, take [out] advertising, rally millions of Americans.”

On the Side of Support Animals

The team at USA Service Dog Registration wholeheartedly supports the passage of these bills. Every day the staff sees the positive effects that service dogs, emotional support animals and therapy dogs have on people suffering from trauma.

That’s why USA Service Dog Registration offers a simple, 3-step registration process. It’s free and easy. When signup is complete, the dog owner receives an official email affirming the registration.

The website provides a wide range of helpful information for dog owners and those who are want a companion dog. They have a list of service dog trainers, information about placement for vets and an explanation of state laws.

Confused about housing and travel with a support or emotional support animal? Check the website for a look at the requirements. It also takes a look at how service dogs, emotional support animals and therapy dogs differ.

USA Service Dog Registration has a store with a complete line of helpful equipment for these animals. Items include ID tags and cards, vests, collars and leashes.

Have questions? Find out more about service dogs and emotional support animals today at USA Service Dog Registration.

One Reply to “Humane Society Works on Bill to Join Veterans with Emotional Support Animals”

  1. I think it is a wonderful idea that the Humane Society is working on a Bill to help Veterans with Emotional problems the ability to get a Emotional Support Dog as this would sure help alot of Homeless Veterans with certain disabilities to be able to get a Emotional Support Dog as a Companion to help them through the rough times and to learn to trust humanity again.

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