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Classmates Helping Fellow Student Get Service Dog

Classmates Helping Fellow Student Get Service Dog

admin No Comments March 10, 2016
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Tiffany Ryan a wonderful teacher at Carson City Elementary has begun a fund raiser to help one of her students that is suffering from deteriorating health issues. Β Her student Mason Burns is a 9 yr old suffering from Duchene Muscular Dystrophy.

Mason has trouble walking, he gets sore very easily and often needs help from fellow students. Β He often drops items that a service dog could help him with and the service dog could help with his mobility.

A service dog can help with those activities and that is why his school is helping to raise money to train Spider, a 6-month old German shepherd, to become his service dog helper.

The student council already held a penny drive that raised $3,000. Β $2,000 of that was used to buy Spider. Β They need about another $9,000 to finish Spider’s training.

Mason is hoping to have his new dog by the end of the school year.

If you’d like to contribute, donations to Carson City Elementary School, Attn: Alexis Shaver or Tiffany Ryan, 338 Eagle Ave, Carson City, Michigan, 48811.

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