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Medical Study Shows Dog’s Absorb Owner’s Stress

Medical Study Shows Dog’s Absorb Owner’s Stress

Scott No Comments November 26, 2019
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Have you ever been really stressed out heading into your house from work or maybe terrible traffic on way home, and then you see your pet and everything seems to fade away. I admit that on my most tired of days, my dogs help boost my emotions a little. Days when I’m just exhausted, they seem to adjust their energy levels a few notches.

A recent study published by Swedish researchers published a study in Scientific Reports shows that dogs seem to absorb part of their owners’ stress.  The study conducted used hair from dog owners and their pets and looked at the concentration of cortisol.  That is what is released into the bloodstream and absorbed by hair follicles during times of emotional stress. The study showed a reduction in cortisol levels when the dogs were introduced to their owners.

For many years now we have known that our pets really do influence our daily lives in a variety of ways.Β  Many studies has proven that having pets reduce our heart rates and our blood pressure. They seem to have a calming effect on us, that is why so many therapists and Doctors are now prescribing emotional support animals.

Dogs are often trained to be utilized as service dogs, psychiatric dogs or therapy animals. They bring comfort and provide services in our lives in many different ways. Service dogs are lifesavers for people who have disabilities or illnesses that these dogs are specifically trained to detect or assist with Psychiatric service dogs help many people manage their anxiety or PTSD or other issues that affect their daily lives.

Therapy animals are often seen visiting areas of destruction or terrible events, they are essential to easing stress to individuals in these bad situations. You will often see therapy dogs visiting seniors and share a smile with them. Just being a furry friend for a few moments brightens those lives.

Pets make great company to so many.  Even when people can barely afford to cover their basic needs, they have a beloved pet that they make sure is taken care of as well.  That pet means the world to them and maybe the only true friend that they have in life.

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