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Can Owning a Pet Help Your Mental Health?

Can Owning a Pet Help Your Mental Health?

Scott 8 May 13, 2020
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There is no doubt that having a family pet or emotional support dog can bring joy and happiness to their family. These pets are a source of warmth, happiness, love, and compassion for people of all ages. Whether you are looking for a pet to give you company during self-quarantine or want to play with it and feel active and energized all day long.

Pets can help your family become responsible and mature

Raising pets is an excellent way for kids and teens to become responsible and mature. Just by cuddling your beloved four-legged friend and spending some quality time with it will take away all your worries and will improve your mood.

Benefits of owning and emotional support animal

There is no doubt that pets are crucial for our mental and psychological well being. People suffering from symptoms of stress and depression are often advised to own an emotional support animal to help them recover from their grief or emotional stress.

Emotional Support Animals are Great for Seniors

People who have crossed their sixties are more prone to develop depression and anxiety if they have no work to do that is meaningful or productive. These people often have achieved everything that they wanted in life and don’t have any other goal to accomplish in life. This makes them feel depressed and purposeless.

They help seniors stay mentally fit and active

Many seniors feel lonely and isolated, having a dog for example gets them out of the house and exercising and socializing. In these situations, raising a pet can be the best activity for seniors. They will feel as if there is someone who is dependant on them and requires love, care, and attention from them.

They are perfect for people who live alone and need someone to spend some quality timeΒ with

Numerous studies reveal pets to be beneficial for both mental as well as physical health. If you live alone or have no one who can give you time or attention, then investing in a pet is probably one of the best ways to improve your mental health.

8 Replies to “Can Owning a Pet Help Your Mental Health?”

  1. Husband has ptsd. we had Bichon as our pet. Recently we had them put sleep together ages 14 and 15 both major health issues. Now searching for Bichon to be husband emotional support to treat his PTSD. Thank you

    1. I am 41 and I recently was a horrible car accident which disabled me permanently physically and mentally. My mom rescued my pup for me to help me cope with my Depression and anxiety and PTSD due to my accident and losing my grandfather within a month and my mom says that she is seeing a complete change in me since my pup came with me he goes where I go or I don’t go

  2. I would like to talk with someone about an Emotional Service Dog.
    I have Short Term Memory loss because of a head injury on December 5th. 2019. My dog gives me emosional support and calms me. I have been patient in two differant hospitals for short term memory loss.. I need to talk to someone A.S.A.P. Thank you.

    Jack J. Welch
    Mobile # 76360.

  3. I need help in getting the certificate for my dog please help me I am scared to go out by myself I have RA and Fibromalgia and anxiety and they don’t want me in store with dog because they say she does not have a certificate.

  4. I need to know how to register my pup as an emotional service dog, where it will be legal and hold up in my housing.

  5. I am 74 widowed male. I live alone and have a new puppy that I want to be my service dog. I have a motorized scooter due to back surgery and rehabbing broken ankle and ribs in the back.

  6. This is so true. They are needed ESA. Im 71 and have anxiety attacks n πŸ™ƒ depression quite a bit. Children have no time for U. I really need me one. Like a shih tzu puppy πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ it will help me to relax n make life a lil more lifestyle worth living

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